Monday, February 10, 2014

The Olympics Make Me Cry

I've never been much of a crier. I wasn't one of those girls who sobbed during The Notebook and I can't cry on command when I get pulled over. But my kids ruined me. Sappy commercial? Tears. Goose honking after the flock that passed by five minutes ago? Bawling. Watching Mulan finally reach the arrow at the top of the huge pole? Crying with pride.

The Winter Olympics have started and I've already gone through two boxes of tissues. I love (and by love I mean have the TV on all day and even like watching curling kind of love) the Winter Olympics. The Summer stuff is super cool too, but I just don't get quite as into it (although I also have the TV on all day during the summer games too). Anywho.... I am about to be bombarded with stories of triumph and failure, rough pasts and amazing futures, proud parents and disappointed athletes. And don't even get me started on those P&G mom commercials. Basically I'll be spending the next couple weeks with a pruny face from all the crying. And I'm going to love every minute of it.

- Clara B. 

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