Monday, August 4, 2014


Hi, I'm Clara and my husband is a workaholic. 

Dr. Barton is on another away rotation for pediatrics. This time he's a tad bit closer at only 2.5 hours and only gone for one month instead of the 3.5 hours away he had to do twice during first year. After working 6 days straight of 4-12 pediatric ER shifts he was given two days off. Since he is "close" to home he decided to come see us. He even drove home as soon as shift was over even though that meant that he wasn't getting in until just after 3 AM. 

Well, even though it's his "day off" and he wasn't even supposed to be in town so nobody was expecting him to be there Dr. Barton informed me last night that he wanted to attend a lunch lecture today. These usually only last an hour to an hour and a half and I didn't really have any plans for us other than to run a few errands so that was fine by me. Then, as we say down to breakfast late this morning, he informed me that the clinic was holding a day of sports physicals that he was thinking of going to. Again, nobody was expecting him to be there since he wasn't going to be in town and it's his day off. Well, look what text I received after the 1.5 hour lunch lecture was over 
Luckily, since second year has already been a bit easier (as in he actually had every weekend off last month), I'm not even bugged by it. Okay, maybe just a tiny bit bugged, but I also can't help but shake my head and chuckle to myself. 

That is until 5:00 rolled around and I got another text saying, "I'll be home in 30 more minutes." Yup. My husband is a workaholic. 

- Clara B. 

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